Picking flowers, berries and mushrooms

You are free to pick flowers, berries and mushrooms in the countryside. But keep in mind that some plants are protected, meaning that they must not be picked. Special rules apply in protected areas, for example, in national parks and nature reserves.

The regulation contains a list of plants that you are not permitted to pick without the landowner's permission. However, the regulation in question is old and sometimes has to be interpreted in the light of common sense. It does not mention mosses and lichens, although you are probably allowed to gather them – though not in large quantities and not for sale.

However, the regulation does make it clear that you must not cut down or otherwise damage growing trees. While bushes are not mentioned, taking a juniper bush or similar would hardly be permissible. Breaking rocks or carving words on rock surfaces is not permitted.

Rocks are on the list of natural objects that you are not permitted to remove without the landowner's permission. However, taking a few stones or pebbles with you would probably not be considered an offence.

Do not pick protected plants or flowers

The protection of a plant or animal species is usually absolute, i.e. you must not pick, catch, kill or otherwise collect, or damage specimens of the given species. In many cases you may not remove or damage the species' seeds, eggs, roe or nests, either. Protection applies even if the animal or plant is in the grounds of your own house.

Certain protected plants must not be picked at all. In other cases, you may be permitted to pick a bunch flowers for yourself, but not to dig up plants or flowers by the roots or collect them for sale.

The Swedish government creates protection orders that cover the whole country or parts of the country. For example, all orchid species in Sweden are subject to statutory protection. Certain protected plants or flowers must not be picked at all. Others may be picked but not dug up by the roots, while some must not be collected for sale.

Berries and mushrooms

Berries and mushrooms growing in the wild belong to the landowner as long as they are rooted in the soil or attached to the sprigs. However, a landowner cannot prevent people from collecting them on land that is subject to the Right of Public Access. However, this does not mean that you can invoke the Right of Public Access to force a landowner to protect a berry or mushroom crop from forestry or similar activities.

Information on poisonous mushrooms in 24 different languages

Commercial berry-picking

There is no ban on commercially organised large-scale berry picking – at least as long as it does not cause loss or nuisance to the landowner other than the loss of the actual berries.

Abandoned properties

On abandoned land on which no buildings remain you may collect wild apples, cherries, raspberries, gooseberries etc. without incurring any penalty.

Special rules for protected areas

Special rules apply to protected areas, for example, in national parks, nature reserves and at heritage sites. There may be restrictions in place on picking berries and other plants, as well as collecting rocks or other objects.

There are English language information brochures and notice boards in the areas that explain what is permitted. You can also ask the local municipality or county administrative board.

Information in other languages

The Rules for Berry Picking in Sweden brochure' contains information in eight languages.

You can download a printable version in your own language here:











Brochure with text in 8 languages: eng, est, lat, lit, pol, rus, swe och thai